Please make sure your carry-weight and stamina are not affected by enchanted items, potions or diseases when drinking the potion, or it may not work correctly. When drunk, it adjust your carry-weight to what it thinks you should be at considering your level, maximum stamina and _LL_CarryPerLevel. When adding this mod to an existing save (or updating from a version < 0.4) and your character is above level 1, a potion called 'Elixir of Hidden Strength' is added to your inventory. If you think that's too little or too much, you can change it via console: This is a tiny mod that, every time you level up, increases your carry weight by an additional 10 units.
We’ll start off with the (arguably) most important mod of all time.Also, if you never modded Skyrim and would like to get started, here’s my beginner. In this guide I am going to show you how to completely take control over your UI and make it extremely enjoyable.
It was clearly ported from consoles to PC and never really given second thought. Playing as a mage? Tired of being stuck at the default carry weight? Then this is for you! Skyrim’s default UI is absolutely horrible.